And just like that, LDC Conference 2024 has passed. It has been a privilege to chair this year and host the conference in beautiful Brighton. Thank you all for attending, participating, and bringing such warmth and joyfulness.
I am grateful for the support from the Agenda Committee, BDA, GDPC, my own LDC, and all of you.
The theme was exploring what good looks like, with reflections on current realities and how we got here. With insights from the GDPC chair, the outgoing health select committee chair, and the four devolved nations.
We discussed young dentists' concerns, patient needs, and the call to lead the prevention revolution. We explored sustainability, enabling us to start that audit cycle today. We explored the future, and we were invited to be part of the solution through the BDJ portfolio's role.
We addressed all 34 motions efficiently, highlighting our ability as GDPs to overcome time pressures.
Presentations and Motions are available on the website.
I asked you what good looked like you said:
- Structural Reform and Funding,
- Workforce Support and Engagement,
- Equity, Sustainability, and Quality of Care.
Research indicates Dentistry is an election issue for all parties, and there's an air of positivity and opportunity I hope we can grasp it.
Huge congratulations to:
- Chair Elect for Conference 2026 - Sarah Canavan
- Two Honorary Auditors to the Conference - Mark Haigh and Shiv Pabary
- One representative to the GDPC - Agi Tarnowski
- One representative to the Conference Agenda Committee - Shawn Charlwood
I have no doubt Charlie will build a fantastic conference in Newcastle, and I look forward to it immensely!
I leave you with the CLANGERS from Phil Hammond who made us laugh so much after dinner:
Connect, Learn, (be) Active, Notice, Give back, Eat well, Relax, Sleep.
A message from in-coming Conference Chair, Charlie Daniels
Firstly, I would like to thank Agi Tarnowski for hosting an exceptional conference in Brighton. It embodied everything a great conference should have. A wonderful setting and venue, the interaction between colleagues showed what an invaluable event this is. I am sure, as I did, you all thoroughly enjoyed it. Agi, you have set a high bar indeed!
I would also like to extend my thanks to the Agenda Committee and the team at the BDA who were instrumental in making this event so successful, I look forward to working with you throughout the coming year.
I am excited to bring this event to Newcastle; a city that has grown and become ever more vibrant over the years. Hopefully dentistry can take this upward trajectory path. The theme of 2025’s conference is mental resilience. Never more pertinent in these challenging times, and we plan a conference to help address some of these issues.
We all realise the last few years have been tough and we all hope for better times ahead.
Many thanks to Shawn Charlwood and GDPC for expressing our views so eloquently.
If I can leave you with this quote:
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’
(Rudyard Kipling)
We are all in this together.
I look forward to seeing many of you at LDC Officials’ day in London on Friday 29 November, please do come and say hello.
Best wishes,
Charlie Daniels
LDC Conference Chair 2025