
Nominations will be taken from the floor for all positions, but those wishing to do so may submit a nomination in advance using the online form below.
The closing date for nominations in advance is Friday 4 April 2025.
Elections will take place for the following positions:

  1. Chair elect of conference (to chair conference in 2027)
  2. Honorary treasurer
  3. Two honorary auditors
  4. One representative to GDPC
  5. One representative to the board of managers of the British Dental Guild
  6. One member of Agenda Committee.
(*) In the form below indicates required Information.
Information about what each of the roles entails can be found on the website here.
All nominations must be received by midnight on Friday 4 April 2025.
Please choose the nominating LDC.

Please choose the post

Information about the post:

There are three representatives from and elected by Conference standing on the GDPC.They are voting members and are each elected for a three year rolling term.The post involves attending GDPC meetings at the BDA London Office, which are held three times a year. Travel costs (and accommodation costs where necessary) are reimbursed at BDA rates by the LDC Conference.

There is one position vacant.
The person obtaining the most votes will be elected to serve on GDPC for a three year cycle. LDC Secetaries, please enter your details into the Proposer fields and submit by Midnight, Friday 12 April 2024
Please include the Nominee's FULL name

Please include the Nominee's email address

Please include the Nominee's telephone number, only numbers with no spaces

Please complete the Proposer's FULL Name

Please enter the Proposer's email address

Please include the Proposer's telephone number, only numbers with no spaces

Please complete the Seconder's FULL Name

Please enter the Seconder's email address

Please include the Seconder's telephone number, only numbers with no spaces

Please note that all Nominees will be contacted in person to confirm their nomination.
To this end please confirm that all contact details are correct.

Candidates should give brief supporting particulars, not exceeding fifty words:

By pressing the button below you are confirming that the person named above as the Nominee is willing to be put forward for election.