Conference Motions Form

Motions form – LDC Conference

Please complete this form using the guidance available here.

Please enter the motions below.

We would like the motion in its lean form (which will be printed bold in the agenda papers), this is what delegates will vote on. Under each motion, you are encouraged to include a narrative (to be printed in italics) where you can expand on the problem and why the motion may present a solution.

Please fill in all sections on this form.
Failure to complete them fully may result in your motion being invalidated.
Motions must be approved by your LDC and submitted via your LDC Secretary if they are to be valid.

Please submit this form by 12 noon on Friday 4 April 2025 , but it would be helpful to have them as early as possible.
Please note that there is no limit to the number of motions you may submit for consideration. However, neither the General Dental Practice Committee nor any Local Dental Committee may not normally propose more than two motions unless agreed by the LDC Conference Chair.
Queries about the completion of the form should be addressed to  Alexandra Cenic -

(*) Indicates required Information.
Please choose the submitting LDC.

For use if the motion is selected for debate, please identify:
Please provide the Proposer's name

Please provide the Summator's name

Drafting contact:
Please include the Drafter's name

Please include the Drafter's email address

Please include the Drafter's telephone number (numbers only, no spaces please).

Please confirm

Please enter the motion(s) on the following page.
LDCs may submit an unlimited number of motions but there is a limit of three per form - if you have more than 3 motions please return to this form after submitting.
Invalid Input

Motion 1:

Invalid Input

Please complete Motion 1

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Motion 2:

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Motion 3:

Invalid Input

Invalid Input

Thank you for completing this form.
A copy of your submissions will be sent to the Drafter's email address as provided.