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Looking forward to welcoming you to Brighton!

Agi Tarnowski

I am very much looking forward to welcoming you to Brighton for our Annual Conference of Local Dental Committees. Along with the agenda committee and our colleagues at the BDA, we have taken on board your comments and worked hard to put together a programme that we hope will engage and inspire. We have reached out to key speakers, in line with our overarching theme of exploring what "good" looks like from different perspectives.

Given that it is an election year, Dentistry is in the media a great deal and is an important doorstep issue for politicians and the public alike. It is likely that there will be more scrutiny and interest in what we say and the way we represent our profession. With NHS dentistry facing an existential threat, the NHS workforce experiencing diminished hope, Integrated Care Boards grappling with delegated commissioning, and patients confronting an escalating crisis in access to NHS dental services, the need for dialogue and collective problems solving has never been more critical.

Our first day will be focused on hearing different perspectives from distinguished speakers, while our second day will be devoted to motions LDCs have brought forward. It is an honour to chair this conference. Like you, I take pride in being an elected representative of our profession. We willingly accept the responsibility to support, represent, and influence on behalf of our electorate NHS GDPs. LDCs were established by statute when the NHS was first formed, and I firmly believe they play a crucial role in shaping the future landscape too.

Thank you to those of you who contributed to the ‘Slido’ question I shared previously to explore what "good" looks like from the perspective of LDCs. Three issues emerged: reform funding, support and engagement with the workforce, and ensuring sustainable, equitable quality care. These topics are also, perhaps unsurprisingly, reflected in the motions submitted. You may notice that motions have been divided by objectives to aid democratic discussion and timing so that we can reinforce or challenge current policy, scrutinize, or support ideas both new and old, to influence the future of our profession within the NHS framework.

It is my hope that we can influence change for the better, as losing NHS Dentistry from our society cannot be the goal. I believe there is a unique opportunity currently to influence change. For too long, we have seen our service wither on the vine; I hope we can change direction and rebuild a service that serves the patient, the practitioner, the practice, and the state.

Please find following some specific information to help with preparations ahead of the event.

Please read the list of motions contained in the papers ahead of the event and submit any requests for changes to the wording of motions to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 12 noon on Tuesday 28 May. In line with Standing Orders and of course to ensure an efficient use of the limited time available on the day, requests for changes to motions will not be accepted on the day of the event.  

A review of standing orders has taken place and amendments are proposed. The conference will be asked to accept those changes as the very first item on the agenda, if accepted the conference and nomination amendments will be enacted directly.

LDC Representatives – voting

LDC Representatives are required to bring a smartphone or tablet along to the event this year to participate in the voting. Further details will be provided in due course to those eligible to vote during motions.


Nominations can be made in advance and/or from the floor as advised in standing orders. 

The Conference Dinner will take place on the Thursday evening at the hotel. The evening begins with a drinks reception at 19:15 in the Cambridge Suite with dinner service commencing at 20:00 in the Oxford Suite.  

Dress code is black tie. If you have not booked but would now like to attend, please contact Fiona to ensure you can be accommodated (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / 020 7563 6876).

Information to help with travel arrangements and expense claiming (including the appropriate claim forms for LDC Reps and GDPC members) can be found on the website

To help you with your travel plans it may be useful to highlight that conference on the Thursday will commence at 13:30 with lunch served from 12:30. Conference will conclude at 13:00 on Friday with lunch served until 14:00.

We will be joined by a great array of exhibitors with products and services of interest to delegates. Their support of the event is incredibly valued. Please do take the time to visit the exhibition during the breaks.

CONFERENCE PAPERS AT THE EVENT                                
Please use this link to download the Conference papers. Hard copies will not be provided on the day, details of each motion will be displayed on the AV screens, but you are welcome to bring your own device if you would like to view the information electronically during the event or print beforehand if you prefer paper copies.

CLICK HERE For Conference Papers

A joining instruction email will be sent to all delegates a week prior with a final summary of information. In the meantime please direct any questions you may have about the arrangements for the event to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I look forward to seeing you in Brighton!

Best wishes

Agi Tarnowski

Chair of LDC Conference 2024                                                                                                                                                                                          #LDCConf2024
Message from out-going Conference Chair, Agi Tarno...
LDC Conference 2024 – Represent your LDC